Most of the comments I read seem to be coming from those allied with the proponents of the revival of the towing plan. Or maybe they don't have cars of their own but they just want the proposal to proceed because they probably want to get even with those having cars for they have nothing of their own to protect. Or they must be unaware that towing requires  corresponding "big" fee that will most likely bring another headache to car owners especially that the car owner loses his right to contest the towing of his car once it is towed away regardless of whether he is justified to park it on that spot for some emergency reasons that would have otherwise merited a kind consideration of not being towed in the first place.

Or the prospective towing company lobbying for the easy passage of the proposed towing plan has courted the services of "ghost writers" to post comments favorable to the towing idea. And the last point is that, the reason advanced by Mayor Mike Rama during his first term with regards to his idea to give leniency to the towing of vehicles is that, as long as the vehicle is parked in an orderly manner and does not block the passage way. Generally, the areas supposed to be targeted for towing are those that require adequate passage of vehicles in classified busy or congested streets. To declare even those vehicles parked in "safe areas," meaning the street is "less traveled"or the flow of vehicles is not so much a cause of congestion, then it will be understood that the city is making the residents (those with cars) the easy prey for its money-making scheme which explains its uncontrolled idea to squeeze more money from the city folks without giving them enough leeway or breathing spell from paying more taxes with less services given to them in return to the people who most deserved it.


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