His case is different from what I read in the news here in the States. The man who was just recently freed from serving a jail term after finding life outside was unbearable for him as he could not land a decent job and he was sometimes spending long hours outside in the street bearing a cardboard sign with a word "HOMELESS" written in bold letters to get some loose coins tossed to his hand with that empty can from some softhearted motorists and experiencing empty stomach as even finding enough food for him to survive was elusive, he decided one day to go to a bank to announce a "holdup." In a few minutes, police cars came rushing to him waiting for them in the corner and he surrendered to them peacefully. When arraigned in court, he told the judge he intended to rob that bank because he wants to go back to jail as he has no food to eat and with "no roof over his head." The judge took pity with him and he announced to the media that, "This man ought to be staying outside a free man but by force of circumstances he preferred to be in jail because he could not find a decent job to make a living." It did not take long when the news reached the supervisor of a manufacturing company and that official called up the authorities that he wanted that man to be freed for he is ready to give him a job in his plant. And that was a happy ending for that man. But it is different from the case mentioned here in this news because the freed inmate (a convicted rapist who was freed after serving 10 years in jail) wanted not to go home to his hometown in San Francisco, Camotes, Cebu because he wanted to work inside the CPDRC and he is lucky to be accepted and is now employed as a maintenance man.

Footnote: This comment came out in connection with a news item in Cebu Daily News, entitled, "Freed inmate prefers to stay in jail." It came out on March 8, 2015.


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