The need to adhere to the accepted SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that the City Council should be notified first before the project gets started to avoid anything that will cause the undertaking to sometimes suffer a snag or tread on "forbidden grounds" is necessary and does not recognize any exception regardless of how crucial the project will be to the concerned community. That is why many innocent-looking projects sometimes fell into the dirty hands of corruption and went unnoticed under the radar because of people's mistaken belief that they can just simply start the project now and follow the rules later to the detriment of the accepted norms and procedure to place the project properly on the right track before anything else.

Footnote: The Department of Engineering and Public Works (DEPW) implemented a drainage improvement project in Barangay Sawang Calero, Cebu City without giving notice to the City Council before it began the project. The case of the  two DEPW officers suspended by the Ombudsman not too long ago because of corrupt practices is still fresh in the memory of the public that to veer away from the normally accepted procedure of notifying the City Council first before the project starts is unacceptable.


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