Kaban ni D_BystandeR: ANG MGA BAYANI SA GAZA

This is the first time I read about a "full-length" article dedicated to the Palestinian martyrs of Gaza. I've been wondering what happen to  most of the Americans who normally would easily react to a "group of people" who has been subjected to the worst imaginable beating by a country known to be equipped with the most modern "tools" of death being supplied by America. Sometimes, I would be tempted to  skip reading news about how many Palestinians are killed again and others maimed by merciless bombings and air strikes conducted by the Israelis. Maybe, some, if not most of the Americans, have already considered the monotony of the news that they are no longer bothered by their conscience with the terrifying situations the Palestinians are undergoing and suffering which, to my mind, is comparable, if not worst, to the cruelties done by the Nazis during the time of Hitler.

Footnote: This comment came out in connection with an article that appeared in Yahoo News that tells about the "truth that happens to Palestinians in Gaza" that many would "prefer not to say it aloud."


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