It is given that whenever we become beset with problems of gargantuan proportions, we'll gonna be needing minds that can stand the litmus test of finding solutions to the problems identified.

The South China Sea controversy has long been the subject of intense public discussion since the time of GMA and PINOY. Remarkably, except for claiming that he had taken part in presenting the argument of the Philippines in the Arbitral Court, Tony Carpio kept himself mum on public discussions in the past.

Under the current dispensation of Digong though, he has put  himself in the forefront of discussions about the South China Sea. He takes time out of his job as a magistrate, and breaks protocol by appearing in public and engaging in discussion which no other justices of the SC  did. He discusses burning issues about the South China Sea as if his words are gospel truth. He speaks as if he is the gifted one who knows exactly the origin of the South China Sea  centuries ago. Really, that's very kind of him to do all these acts granting media interviews.

Yet, his memory doesn't serve him right. He forgets that he is not the president of this country who is accountable to the people whose security and safety must be protected against aggression of a powerful country like China if the South China Sea  controversy is not handled well. He forgets that any talk which  breaks the cordial relations between the Philippines and China will imperil the fate of the entire populace. He forgets that coming to a discussion about South China Sea  and hears nothing but himself will make him boring and redundant.  

Let's face it, the South China Sea controversy does not revolve around the words of Tony Carpio.

He must realize that  his job as a magistrate is more important than meddling into the affairs that fall within the ambit of the executive powers of Digong. Look at the proprietary issues, the myriad of arguments in corporate, labor, administrative, civil and criminal cases pending in his office  as a magistrate first. I think he will  be doing the supreme act of administering justice to the litigants who have longed to have their cases decided by the SC,  if he gives  it his  best shot as a Justice among other things. 


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