This is a sad reality that people like you, because of their blind support given to BS Aquino, regardless of whether the man is involved in questionable transactions as well as his providing questionable support and cuddling of his close buddies and close political allies, who also commit corruption cases as a crime against the people, will just turn a blind eye to all the shenanigans happening inside and among the close cohorts of Aquino. Imagine the MRT scam that up to now offers a "black eye" to the Aquino administration and is causing untold hardships to the riding public. And the purchase of 21 H-1 Huey helicopters with a total purchase  price of P1.2B wherein the whistle-blower listed DND Secretary Voltaire Gazmin as a recipient of a 5 percent kickback equivalent to P84M and the remaining  7 percent earmarked as "for the boys" to be shared by the other high ranking  military officials involved in the deal. And the Mamasapano massacre which caused a "major "black eye" to Aquino and Mar Roxas causing the senseless death of our 44 SAF commandos will forever haunt the Aquino administration even after he (Aquino) steps down from office on June 30 next year.

Footnote: This comment came out in reply to a comment earlier posted by someone who calls himself "Against corruption," in connection with a news item in PDI, entitled "Binay asking for his day in court?" written by columnist Solita Monsod. It came out on 08/29/15. Monsod's column exemplifies her complete disregard for truth for the sake of fairness which a credible journalist worth her salt would have taken to present an impartial view in her discussion of the related issues covered by the topic. Sadly, Monsod is showing her unconditional bias against Binay, trying to justify all what the "anti-Binay" forces are claiming and doing to besmirch the good name and  reputation of Binay. Monsod is clearly showing herself having the lowest regard for fairness and her article boomeranged to her obvious partial and partisan leanings towards the "anti-Binay" forces.


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