At a time when hunger strikes a more
threatening reality than any kind of highly alluring paintings because of
adverse economic living condition faced by majority of our people in our country, this
Winston Garcia who served as President
and General Manager of GSIS during the incumbency of GMA, preferred to buy an
expensive painting - Luna Painting - auctioned for sale in Hong Kong for P40M
in 2002 and which was consequently disallowed by COA at that time but in a
sudden twist of events, has been okayed by COA 10 years after in 2012. And
Winston beaming with pride, saying he was vindicated because of COA's reversal
of its earlier negative decision said that if he was only allowed to make a
personal refund of the disallowed purchase he would have been richer by now
because, according to him, the painting is now commanding a price of P300M. But we should not
forget that during his tenure as President and General Manager of GSIS, his
administration was rocked by countless protest rallies staged by GSIS employees
themselves as they consider most of his management policies and direction as
detrimental to their future and interest. Winston is no better than Imelda
whose undisguised preference for worldly things like those expensive worldwide
paintings was the subject of the silent protest of the people who cannot make
their protest in public no matter how justified it was, owing to the strict
military rules in view of the Marcos dictatorship
where nobody can say "NO" to whatever he does in office.
Footnote: This comment came out in connection with a news item
in The FREEMAN, entitled, "P40M Luna Painting purchase: Winston glad COA
gave okay." It came out on 09/13/15.