If we are to believe the statement coming from the hospital through their lawyer, we might just as well send the story to the Guinness Book of World Records to earn a prize, or we can send it to "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" stories. For  nobody in his right mind will ever accept that kind of statement that insults the basic intelligence of all right-thinking Cebuanos for it is blatantly a malicious lie.

The Cebuanos want nothing from them but the simple truth to enlighten us if it is true that they committed some lapses in their medical practice related to child care, then they should be honest enough to accept their mistake and they should make a vow never to do it again. That's all what the Cebuanos need from them. We do not need the circuitous reasoning of a lawyer for it will only confuse us the more! Instead of giving us a solution it will only add to the confusion and create more problems! The hospital executives should be honest enough to the people they are supposed to serve.

With all due respect to lawyer Cornelio Mercado, legal counsel of  CPCMH (Cebu Puericulture Center and Maternity House), this case is already an open book as far as the city residents are concerned and what the public wants to know is to have the side of the hospital where the gagging of a 5-day-old infant took place. It was the public's understanding that the nurse involved did it to the infant to silence him from crying, which is, from the view point of many, an inhuman act considering the delicate mouth and the surrounding skin of the infant to be taped like that. And for the simple reason that the nurse wants to silence him because she finds the noise created was so irritating to her ears?!

By demanding a sworn statement from the parents you simply put your profession on the spot for bringing that kind of indifference and unconcerned reaction which is probably calculated to intimidate the parents for whatever legal action you might have in mind to file  against them? What more do you need when the picture itself speaks louder than words?

Footnote: This comment came out in connection with a Sunstar news headlined, "Hospital: Staff didn't put tape on baby."


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